Review of the mental asylum. VICTOR CHRISTUS

  • 5 years ago
Dear Sir / Madam, 
we recommend this paper to you: „Save Our Souls. Hungaria anno Domini”
Hungarian Catholic NGO’s analyzes of the Orban regime: The Orban regime is not a Christian Democrat, but heretical hermetic gnostic.
We know that what we are saying seems absurd in the XXI. century, in the middle of Europe. As proof, several texts from the prominants of the Orban regime are quoted in the analysis. These texts contains hardly controversially the teachings of Christian heretics with hermetic gnosticism. It is also hardly arguable that these show the signs of gnostic religious insanity.
But our efforts alone are not sufficient. Gnosticism has already infiltrated the relatively more significant layer of the Hungarian society, which has been integrated into almost every area of life. Maximum the government can be dismissed, but the fidesz-gnosis is not, and if the regime remains as a background backup, the whole story will restart sooner or later. Hungary needs help because it will not be solved by itself. We are afraid that if the process can not be stopped, Hungary will be lost not only for Christianity, but also for Europe and for the cultural world as well.
Only publicity can help Hungary, please help.
Abstract: /English
Website: English
Yours sincerely, Hungarian Chatolic NGO's
