Jeremy’s Dental Implant Experience at Pure Dental Health in Truro

  • 6 years ago
I've got quite a few poultry guinea fowl, geese, turkeys, and chickens I try and look after, and breed, and hatch the eggs out in incubators. I've got a garden here that I look after, and I've planted a lot of special specimen trees. It really keeps me busy and it's something I love.

My teeth starting rotting through self-medicating with alcohol through my anxiety and social phobia, and it basically rotted my teeth, but I had crowns put on my teeth, which lasted me for 15 years. And as soon as they went, the teeth were falling out every week, the front ones. People were probably thinking I was being rude. If I walked by, I would ... Like this, or just have a serious look and not try to smile back.

I ended up with a set of front teeth from a denture, and I probably had them for six months, and I couldn't stand the pressure on my gums. There was things I was missing eating, such as apples, and corn on the cob. I just really couldn't cope with dentures.

I was 47, and I thought to myself, I'm young still and I don't want to be wearing dentures the next 30-odd years, and I really wanted something different, and I decided to go for implants.

My national health dentist is in St Agnes. I said to her, "I really like implants, because I looked about it on the computer," and then she recommended Mark at Pure Dental, who gave me all the information. She said, "He's very good," and so I decided to make an appointment to go there.

My lower teeth were all filled with composite fillings, and then I had the implant put in and four screws, and then a bridge put in as well for my top teeth, which were all missing.

I generally feel much happier in myself. It's so much easier to eat. I don't have to suck a sandwich in. I can bite it and eat it normally. It's just a confidence to eat foods I used to and couldn't eat. The teeth just feel like they're the real teeth I had in the past, and you just treat them as I did when I was younger and had proper teeth.

It was a lot of money for me to afford. I really didn't care at the time because I wanted it done, and it was worth the investment in the end, anyway.

I just smile without realizing, not thinking. The teeth feel so natural. Just give it a try and find out. It's something that can change your life.

Pure Dental Health is an Truro based Advanced Dental Clinic able to provide you with the life changing dentistry.


Pure Dental Health, Perenn House, City Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2JL

Call: 01872 222404

