U.S. to pull out of intermediate range nuke pact

  • 6 years ago
U.S. President Donald Trump is terminating a landmark arms control agreement signed with the former Soviet Union,... saying Russia is violating the pact,... and it's preventing the U.S. from developing new weapons.
Experts say the decision to pull out of the treaty, which has kept nuclear missiles out of Europe for three decades, may trigger another arms race.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
President Trump confirmed over the weekend that the U.S. will withdraw from an arms control treaty with Russia.

"Russia has violated the agreement. (cut) We're the ones that have stayed in the agreement and we've honoured the agreement, but Russia has not, unfortunately, honoured the agreement, so we're going to terminate the agreement. We're gonna pull out"

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was an agreement signed in 1987 between the leaders of the United States and the then-Soviet Union,... banning ground-launch nuclear missiles with ranges from 500 kilometers to 55-hundred kilometers.
The treaty led to nearly two-thousand-700 short- and medium-range missiles being eliminated,... and ending a dangerous standoff between the two sides.
Speaking at a rally in Nevada over the weekend,... President Trump accused Moscow of violating the agreement,... adding both Russia and China have been developing new weapons,... while the U.S. has not.
This comes as Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton,... a longstanding opponent of arms control treaties,... was reported to have been pushing for a U.S. withdrawal.
President Trump did not provide details about the violations,... but in 2017,... White House national security officials said Russia violated the INF agreement with the development and deployment of a new cruise missile.
NATO ministers issued a joint statement shortly after saying the treaty "has been crucial to Euro-Atlantic security",... adding they will remain fully committed to the preservation of the landmark arms control treaty.
The ministers also urged Russia to come clean about the capabilities of its new missile.
In response to Trump's remarks,... Russia's Defense Committee Chairman Vladimir Shamanov says such a withdrawal will lead to a further arms race,... adding Moscow will not sit idle.
Shamanov added that President Trump's statement was not a surprise,... saying the U.S. has rejected their proposals for negotiations in the past.
Under the terms of the treaty, it would take six months for a U.S. withdrawal to take effect.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
