Leotard in a Hail Storm | Whitney

  • hace 6 años
With only 4 days until the Region 8 Championship, Whitney prepares (like most days) to go to gymnastics price. But today there was a slight weather delay. Hail! Super ball sized hail! There was a tornado warning going on and chunks of ice were falling from the sky. One hailstone hit Whitney right on the hand. We made it to price with only one minor injury and no apparent damage to the car…Yay!\r
Be sure to check back to see Whitney prepare for and compete at the USA Gymnastics Region 8 championships.\r
Here is Whitneys state championship meet: \r
Here is Whitneys press handstand tutorial with the Queen of England: \r
Here is Whitney giving a moonwalk tutorial on the moon: \r
Here is Whitney giving a front walkover tutorial at the pyramids: \r
Check out Whitney on YouTube!\r
Whitneys YouTube Channel: \r
Whitneys facebook: \r
Whitneys Instagram: