Ceramics II Glazing the Platters

  • 6年前
This video is for my Ceramics II students. It shows the method we will use to glaze our incised slab platters. We use an underglaze applicator to apply an underglaze in the incising after the platter was bisque fired to cone O4, and also a bulb syringe to apply the glaze on the upper areas. Cone 5/6 stoneware glazes were then fired after glazing. In the video, I use Standard 153 stoneware, and Coyote brand glaze.\r
The red bulb syringes I have purchased from Highwater Clays- but there are many manufurers of them. I found these to be pretty economical- and I buy replacement tips used to blow up balls, and grind off the tip with the side hole. \r
Bulb syringe link: \r
And, the smaller bottle I use for the underglaze is here: