This is how Cape Town officials are trying to avert a water disaster

  • 6 years ago
YouTuber Adam Spires reports on the current state of Cape Town's water shortage and what the government and companies are actually doing to solve the crisis.

The video, shot last week (February 1), includes a walkthrough of a borehole and desalination plant at Strandfontein in south Cape Town.

It also takes a closer look at the work that Newlands Spring and companies are actively doing to provide more desalination resources.

The companies are shown using techniques such as borehole taps to draw millions of litres of groundwater from up to 50-metres down as a temporary measure.

Long-term desalinisation plants are also planned in the area.

The purpose of the pipes in the video is to suck water from the ocean in a bid to bring more drinking water into the system.

According to local reports, there are currently seven desalination projects underway in Cape Town.

The coastal South African city of about 4 million people is about to run out of fresh water. It implemented new emergency water restrictions on February 1, the day this video was filmed.

Residents can now only use 50 litres of municipal water per day. An average toilet uses 3-4.5 litres each time it is flushed and a 10-minute shower can use as much as 80 litres.

Following three years of persistent drought, the government says that Day Zero - when it will be forced to turn off most taps - will be April 16.

Cape Town's Deputy Mayor Ian Neilson told local media that the water source projects "will not provide sufficient supply to avoid Day Zero this year" but would "help us to become more resilient in weathering our next dry season."

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