10 Most Powerful Gods of Ancient Egypt

  • 6 years ago
Who are the biggest, baddest, scariest Ancient Egyptian Gods? From Anubis to Osiris; These are the Top 10 Most Powerful Gods of Ancient Egypt !\r
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10. Anubis\r
9. Thoth\r
8. Horus\r
7. Sebek\r
5 . Bastet\r
4. Set\r
Set is the god all of things evil. This includes things such as storms, chaos, violence, invading armies and the desert. He was the father of Anubis and set plays a prominent role in Egyptian mythology as youve probably noticed already. but hes not always portrayed as evil. Set was employed by Ra to repel a giant serpent creature known as Apep, that stretched 50 feet long! Following his allegiance was however a little more dark, you could say and Greeks would eventually associate him with typhon, which was a evil terrifying giant creature. Since Set was the god of foreigners he would often be associated with oppressing rulers such as the Assyrians and Persians. Set isnt really portrayed as any specific animal or charer although a lot the time he can be seen with the face of an anteater. The most notable scene of this god in mythology was certainly the battle between him and horus. This was to see who would be the next king of Egypt after Osiris was gone. Set spotted horus along the marshes of the nile and flames were erupting into the sky during an epic battle. Others believe that the battles between Horus and Set are meant to represent civil wars in Egypt between the Upper and lower parts. \r
3. Ra\r
Ra was certainly one of the most powerful Egyptian gods its said he created the world, the sky, the earth and the underworld. Hes most commonly referred to as the Sun god and was the father of the god of wind and the goddess of rain. It was also normally Ras job to defeat evil monsters lurking around in the afterlife. To complete this task, he would employ other gods such as Bast and Set as we mentioned earlier. Ra had the ability to create things with his blood and tears. In some cases he managed to merge with other gods like horus and an all power god name amun ra was even worshipped in places like Nubia and Greece. The temple of Amen Re located in Karnak is simply remarkable and its one of the biggest architectural achievements in Ancient Egypt and even in modern times it still houses the largest single religious room ever constructed known as the Hypostyle Hall. Hes basically the king of all gods, similar to a role Zeus played in Ancient Egypt.\r
2. Osiris\r
So after osiris was defeated by his conniving brother seth, was brought back to life but was basically like a zombie, frankenstein like creature at this point. This is why his skin is portrayed as green because his flesh was basically. Hes partially mummified as well and if you look into the who story with isis set and whole inbred family, its pretty gross, it might not be youtube friendly! Anyways, after anubis, osiris began to gain fame as the god of the underworld and was the judge of whether or not you could pass through the pearly gates in the afterlife. He kind of absorbed Anubis role as the leader of the underworld but they would work together. He was also a god of farming and agriculture which may seem a tad bizarre considering hes no longer alive. But it all kind of plays into the circle of life. Osiris is displayed quite often in Egyptian temples and he makes up a prominent role at Queen Hatshepsuts mortuary temple outside the city of Luxor. She believed that dedicated wonderful statues to this god, would help her find a path into the afterlife \r
1.The Pharaohs\r
The pharaohs were like gods on earth and had full control of the empire. Massive monuments were built in their honor and in some cases had hundreds of wives in order to spread their bloodline as much as possible and its ually worked. Rameses the Great was said to have had 100 children and theres ually a very good chance even you have some genetics from an egyptian pharaoh. A Swiss genetics company even claims that 70% of British men are somewhat related to King Tut. Egyptian Pharoahs would often associate themselves with an egyptian god and that they were divinely chosen to rule the land. The pharaoh, if powerful enough would engage in military conflict as well and it was his responsibility to protect Egypt as best as possible. The great god like pharaohs were responsible for gathering troops devastating enemy armies. Their final resting places would also be fit for a god. These were often fitted with lavish golden coffins and many artifs to bring with them to the afterlife, to continue their rule as gods!
