Tripping Over to Newfoundland to Nail New Rails | The Daily Blizzard, Ep. 57

  • 5 years ago

The boys from Brothers Factory took a 3-day trip to St. John's in Newfoundland (Canada). While they are often the butt of many a joke, this time the Newfies have the last laugh, 'cause they're harboring some sick secret rails. Will this edit open the doors to more crews heading over to hit these rails? Or is it just too damn hard to get there...

At the champs this weekend we caught up with Zach Aller from this edit to find out what went on while they were in St. John's - we especially wanted to settle the rumor about them being fined $1,400 for inappropriate behavior... That's classy.

Tripping Over to Newfoundland to Nail New Rails | The Daily Blizzard, Ep. 57

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