Pelvic Bone Ski Disaster, Will She Ski Again? | Head Above Water, Ep. 1

  • 5 years ago

A massive crash in the Freeride World Tour left Marja Persson with an open book pelvic fracture and what looked like a future without skiing.

So what becomes of 'a skier' who can't ski?

Follow Marja from the day she has her second major surgery, 20 months after her injury to the end of April. Time and therapy slowly allow her to walk again, then to cross-country ski. Is it enough?

Her goal is to be able to ski again, hopefully without pain. By April, she ends the season with a big smile on her face. Find out why...

Director: Henrik Andersson
Producer: Marja Persson
Athletes: Marja Persson

Pelvic Bone Ski Disaster, Will She Ski Again? | Head Above Water, Ep. 1

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