Vanilla -Butterscotch Ice Cream -Celebrating 100th Episode

  • 7 years ago
Ingredients \r
For vanilla ice cream \r
Whipping cream-500ml\r
Vanilla essence -2tsp\r
Condensed Milk-300 ml (as per taste )\r
Salt \r
For Praline \r
Cashewnuts -10\r
For Butterscotch Sauce \r
Vanilla Essence -1tsp \r
Water \r
At first for making praline heat 4 tbsp sugar along with some water and melt .. \r
When the brown colour appears add chasewnuts and mix well…\r
Transfer to a baking paper and allow to cool down ..\r
After cooling down crush them and keep aside..\r
For making sauce ,heat 200gm of sugar and add water and caramalise \r
Then add butter and mix well \r
After that add cream and mix .. finally add vanilla essence ..mix ..\r
Allow to cool down ..\r
now whip whipping to thick form ,..\r
to that add condensed milk and sugar and fold gently ..\r
Take container and pour vanilla cream and sauce one after the other ..\r
and keep in the freezer to set .. minimum 6 hours \r
Then take out and scope and enjoy :)
