Fun Activity Event Held In SynapseIndia

  • 7 years ago
Fun Activity Event Held In SynapseIndia Interesting HR Connect sessions at SynapseIndia make it truly entertaining for the employees to have fun while being at work. A recent HR Connect session held within the company was full of loads of enjoyment as there were teams from different departments participating with full energy to make the session a successful one. The session started off with a funny Q&A round in which the HR asked a set of questions that the participating employees were supposed to answer to win a chocolate as prize. All sort of questions were being thrown by the HR like - Which employee is wearing floaters ? Who’s having a curly hair style ? and many such rib-tickling questions, and the employees who complied with these requirements were awarded chocolates. The funny Q&A session was indeed a high energy session in which all employees had a great time. Carrying forward the HR Connect session, dancing and singing activities were conducted as employees were asked to showcase their artistic talent to win a prize. A number of employees participated in the singing activity and received chocolates for their exceptional singing talent. Even the best dancers were not behind as the dance enthusiasts tapped their feet to their favorite music to find way to win a chocolate. Overall, their were some top-class artistic performances that made everyone enjoy the session to the core. Furthermore, Jokes and Mimicry activity was started in the session and employees left no stone unturned to crack the finest jokes to entertain everyone and win chocolates. As always, this HR Connect Session at SynapseIndia was a great success too.