NEW REVIEW: EVO4 Premium Bluetooth Earbuds For The Gym |

  • 7 years ago - Our EVO4 wireless earbuds are perfect for working out at the gym - or using virtually anywhere! See what this happy Red Fox Wireless customer had to say about her new pair of EVO4 earbuds:

'Just finished using my new red fox buds at the gym. What a great product to use and be wire free from the cords. Whoop! The buttons are very easy to use and the sound quality and bass is deserving of the price. For anyone reading this, I'm using them with my iPhone 6 plus and they paired up super easy. I've tested call quality, which is clear and crisp and currently I'm playing my music using Spotify playlists. The earbuds are very comfortable and the case (which is included) makes keeping them safe easy...the earbuds actually are magnetic, so they clip together around my neck. Get these!'
- Julia T.

new review evo4 premium wireless bluetooth ear buds
