Vehicle Recovery Companies

  • 7 years ago
Vehicle Recovery Companies -

Vehicle recovery Essex is a service that you can contact to get your vehicle collected from a car accident or a breakdown.

Having your car breakdown on you on a busy road can be a stressful time and you may not know who to contact to get your car moved from the road. This is where car recovery service comes in handy.

What is Vehicle Recovery Essex

Vehicle recovery is the rescue of a vehicle from one place to another. Commercial vehicle recovery generally involves a commercial vehicle such as a tow truck or spectacle lift, which is known as a recovery vehicle.

Recovery of a vehicle can be for general recovery, which involves a broken down car or a car that has been in an accident.

Other uses for car recovery services can be for statutory recovery, which involves the removal of a vehicle from police request.

If you want to transport a vehicle to or from the UK you can call the expertise of our specialist vehicle shipping company. Contact us on 07742 990 772 or visit our website.

Safeways Car Delivery
Vehicle Transport Across the UK
33 Pelly Avenue
Phone: 07742 990 772
