(高清正片)Living with Shame 瓦全
  • 7 years ago
Many of the world’s discarded mobile phones, televisions and computers end up in china, and are dumped in towns where armies of workers from poverty stricken areas recycle e-waste using primitive methods which harm both the environment and their own health. The film follows migrant worker Zhang Han trying to make a living in one such scrapyard to pay for the debts he ran up arranging his son’s wedding. Depicting the hardships Zhang and others like him face, the film highlights the harsh conditions endured by those on margins of Chinese society, in sharp contrast to the comforts enjoyed by the newly-affluent middle class. 本片讲述了台州小镇里一群从全国各地农村过来拆卸废旧金属的移民的故事,展现这群生活在重污染环境下的移民对境遇的抱怨以及对命运的无奈。他们在河里洗着蔬菜、衣物和身子,而河水中早已混入上游工厂直接排泄的污水,再源源流入更下面的江南水乡;蔬菜早被他们赖以生存的电子垃圾污染……本片浓缩了在江南小镇打工的5万农民工的挣扎与希望。

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