Abhishek Bachchan Hasn't Seen 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' Yet!

  • 8 years ago
The Bachchan family's spokesperson might have rubbished reports about the Bachchans not being too happy with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's intimate scenes with Ranbir Kapoor in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, but there is hardly any smoke without fire.

Recently, when Abhishek, who had attended a fashion show, was asked his opinion of the film, he said that though he is quite proud of her (Aishwarya), he has not seen the film yet! Needless to say, we were quite taken aback by this as Abhishek usually misses no opportunity to gush about his wife's films, so we are wondering if there is some truth to the rumours doing the rounds. Even when the film's trailer had made a splash, Amitabh Bachchan had said that he has not seen the trailer yet, which we found a bit surprising as the veteran actor is quite active on social media.

Aishwarya was seen playing a poetess in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, which had also starred Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and Fawad Khan.
