1995 Rush Limbaugh Show Clip (Million Man March)

  • 8 years ago
(c)1995 Rush Limbaugh Productions/Tegna

Clip from an October 1995 edition of The Rush Limbaugh Show focusing on reaction to Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March held on October 16, 1995; with emphasis on the...odder statements (trying to go "deep"?) of the longtime Nation of Islam leader. Apparently, El Rushbo decided he was going to have a little fun with some of Farrakhan's comments; making references to the dial position of his flagship station at the time (WABC-AM 770); the length of time he's been on-air and even using his name as part of a joke about his weight.

Rush then returns to a more serious aspect by showing clips of Farrakhan's more inflamatory and anti-Semitic comments (taken from a March 19, 1995 message) touting his claim that "little Jews died while big Jews got rich". Another clip from the march features Farrakhan reaching to claim that Napoleon blew the nose off the Sphinx in Egypt and tried to claim Jesus was black (never mind that the vast majority of those mentioned in the Bible were of Jewish ancestry, that Jesus was born into a Jewish home in Israel; most of the events recorded in the Bible from Exodus onward are mainly in the Middle East and even today curly hair is a common trait among Jews) before Rush comments that a cult leader like Farrakhan had almost single-handedly co-opted the civil rights movement.

In between, we get an "obscene profit timeout" with ads for Five Brothers pasta sauce, Phayzme, a Signing with Cindy sign-language video plug and Gerber Life Insurance before Rush closes with a clip of longtime (since 1965) Detroit-area Democratic Congressman John Conyers mentioning how he wished retired General Colin Powell (then viewed as a potential Republican candidate for President in 1996; though he ultimately declined to run), noting how the mention of Gen. Powell's name was greeted with a chorus of boos before teasing Part 2 (which apparently my parents didn't record, so I don't have that).
