Spain: Could regional polls break national political deadlock?

  • 8 years ago
As Spain tries to avoid a possible third general election in a year, all eyes are on two regional ballots on Sunday.

The people of the Basque Country and Galicia are voting to renew their parliaments.

The results could help break the deadlock in a country unable to form a new government despite two general elections in nine months.

Spain’s lack of a functioning government since inconclusive polls in June and December, and the resulting political stalemate, have stalled investment and there are signs it could be starting to limit a strong economic recovery.

Acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s conservatives are hoping to reinforce their grip on Galicia and potentially strike a post-election deal with the Basque nationalists.

In so doing, they would seek to strengthen their position on a national level.

Negotiations between Spain’s politicians to break current deadlock appear to be going nowhere. Find out why here:— El País in English (@elpaisinenglish) 23 septembre 2016
