India plans to build satellite tracking station in Vietnam that Hanoi could use to monitor China

  • 8 years ago
HANOI — Indian officials say their country plans to build a satellite tracking and imaging center in southern Vietnam, which would give Hanoi access to images of the region from Indian earth observation satellites, including China and the South China Sea, Reuters reported.

The satellite tracking and data reception center will be established in Ho Chi Minh City to monitor Indian satellite launches. Indian media say it will cost about $23 million. The facility, however, will also be equipped to receive images from the 11 earth observation satellites India has in orbit.

The Vietnamese will be able to directly access images from Indian satellites that cover the region. These will include images of China and the South China Sea, as well as images of Chinese naval bases, its coastguard and navy, and its new man-made islands in the disputed Spratly archipelago.

The earth observation satellites images have civilian agricultural, scientific and environmental applications, but can also be used for military purposes.

Collin Koh, a marine security expert at Singapore's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, told Reuters: "In military terms, this move could be quite significant. It looks like a win-win for both sides, filling significant holes for the Vietnamese and expanding the range for the Indians."

India also has satellite-tracking stations in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, Brunei, Biak in eastern Indonesia and Mauritius.


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