IDF Chief of Staff: Iran deal is an opportunity

  • 8 years ago
IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot on Monday touched on a range of security issues affecting Israel, during his speech at a convention taking place at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.
Eizenkot addressed the Iran deal , which led to the lifting of sanctions, saying: "The sanctions relief and the nuclear deal with Iran represent a strategic shift that the IDF will have to tackle over the next decade."
He noted that the highest ranks in Israel, and in particular the Prime Minister's Office, are addressing only the risks bound up in the agreement.
"At the end of 2005 the main threat was Iran," Eizenkot continued.
"The agreement is a significant change of course for Iran.
There are many risks but also opportunities.
We are re-evaluating this shift in the IDF's corridors of power.
"I would estimate that over the next five years Iran will make considerable efforts to fulfill its part and get the benefits from that," he said.
