CNN map replaces 'Israel' with 'Palestina'

  • 9 years ago
A recent CNN money article titled "Beyond ISIS: 2015's scariest Geopolitical hot spots" drew swift and widespread criticism after a map featured in the article omitted the word "Israel," and replaced it with "Palestina" The case was first reported by media watchdog Honest Reporting,  whose managing editor, Simon Plosker, said, "At a time when the state's very legitimacy is being called into question by vicious anti-Israel extremists, any message that Israel does not belong in the Middle East plays into this false narrative and feeds those like the Iranian ayatollahs who wish to see Israel erased from the map."
According to Honest Reporting, CNN has since removed the map in question and replaced it with an image of the aftermath of a Syrian airstrike in Aleppo.
The map incident is not CNN's first run in with Israel.
Veteran CNN anchor Jim Clancy was forced to resign in January of this year after a series of anti-Israel tweets
