Model's plastic surgery addiction has transformed her into a human Barbie Doll
  • 8 years ago
CARACAS, VENEZUELA — Model and Instagram celebrity Aleira Avendano, 26, has had more than 20 plastic surgery procedures, and has worn a corset 23 hours out of the day for the past seven years, the Daily Mail reported.

Avendano has a 20-inch waist and size 34 DD breasts after having four boob jobs, starting at age 19. Add that to the list of surgeries that includes two nose jobs, gastric bypass surgery, three biopolymer buttock implants, a forehead lift, neck elongation, liposuction, and teeth replacement to give her that perfect artificial smile.

Avendano told Mail Online: "Only the strongest and most beautiful women are willing to go under the knife in the name of perfection. The hourglass body is the image of the perfect woman. I've come as close as I can to perfection, but I'm still trying."

She told Mail Online that she would get more surgery, and she is an advocate of other people going under the knife. But that's not so surprising considering in Venezuela, an estimated two thirds of women between the ages of 18 and 35 have breast augmentation surgery, with many receiving the surgery as a 15th birthday present, according to a report by the Daily Mail.


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