Adnan Oktar: My Opposition to the PKK is a Requirement of Religion

  • 9 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: My cursing the PKK is a requirement of our religion, God insults unbelievers, and He compares their voices to a “donkey’s bray” for example.  So, I compare them to a donkey’s bray. The way the PKK talk is like a donkey’s bray, there is nothing to be surprised about in this. I call them the “devil's army”; the Qur’an says so, God says so. This society denies God and they are an army of murderers, they are female devils and male devils, they are such a group of people, it is not hatred, we are just telling the truth. If there is anything wrong, just say it, they are murderers, spineless and treacherous people who behave dishonorably and ingloriously. They are dirty, pig-like, cruel people; tell me if one of these facts are wrong, say for example “That one is not true”, they also know these are true.
