taking a flag down does NOT cease the ideology of oppression... (read description)

  • 9 years ago
there are several issues i have with this #freebree movement:

-it focuses on the individual as the 'hero', versus a collective or community of people who organized this moment

-far too many people have been focusing on the flag (which is a symbol) being removed, and not enough on the need to uproot the system which represents the flag (both u.s. and confederate)

-newsome takes all this time to remove it (essentially being non-compliant), then as she comes down says she is going to comply. in that same fashion it does not appear she had comrades standing beside her to back her up (going back to my first point)..

-this conversation about removing the flag (or not) goes in waves, depending on what event happens. this is exactly why the conversation about this flag is merely symbolic to me.

-there are people who have attacked newsome, saying she should respect the flag... the funny thing is, from what i can hear she was doing a lot of prayer as she took the flag down. i'm guessing her relationship with the most high was more important than respecting an object. also, the ideology these flags represent, stood for lawlessness as well... let's see for beginners: the outright land-grabbing and murder of people who inhabited the land prior, then putting the ones who survived on reservations is a start...
