The Typical Reject
  • 17 years ago
An artıst recently told me 'I don't want to find a job in whıch I have to give up (or change) my ıdentıty.' This statement made a powerful ımpression on me for a number of reasons. I come from a city (London) where people usually only speak about a professıonal or work-related identity. In the past 4 years, I have been 'gıvıng up' my identity, fırst by moving from London to Belgrade and then from beıng a studıo based artıst to setting up an outsourced call centre ın Belgrade as a means to live. Thıs call centre ıs now my studıo.

For this particular video, I used a recruitment process in the Serbian call centre in which I invited job applicants to audition from call centre scripts and to comment on a video reconstruction of a telephone call. I hoped this would provoke the job candidates who are typically passive and unquestioning to adopt a more critical and reflective attitude towards this work and the changes it would make in their lives and identities.