MDHearingAid on Fox Chicago Covers Hearing Loss

  • 9 years ago - Dr. Cherukuri: Right. The other thing is in the '80s and '90s the Walkmans and the headphones were over the ear and on this diagram for example, the receiver was here far away from the eardrum. Now the ear buds go in the ear canal much closer to the eardrum. They get much louder. The battery life of the iPhones and the iPods are much better and the decibel level they can get, the loudness, is up to 115 decibels at maximum volume, which can be hearing loss in as little as 6 to 15 minutes.

Corey McPherrin: Wow. What is your experience in terms of dealing with folks who are having issues? Do you see a lot of it or what are you seeing out there right now?

Dr. Cherukuri: We don't see a lot of it in the clinic because it's light or mild hearing loss but the studies have shown that compared to even 1 decade ago it's 1 in 5 teenagers has a hearing loss.

Corey McPherrin: 1 in 5.

Dr. Cherukuri: It used to be 1 in 7 ...

Corey McPherrin: Okay.

Dr. Cherukuri: ... so we are seeing a significant increase in the number.

Corey McPherrin: What do you want tell, especially parents out there and they've got kids who listen to all kinds of music with the earpieces in? What do you want to tell them?

Dr. Cherukuri: The main thing, we call it the 60/60 rule.
