Nude photo shoot: Teen girl agrees to nude photos, then sues for sexual assault
  • 9 years ago
A 19 year old woman identified by her last name Chen met a photographer on line and said she wanted to have a couple of modeling shots done.

The photographer invited her to his studio where they started with Miss Chen posing in a kitty costume. After a few drinks the photo session progressed to nude photos, followed by a round of sex.

The two then went to a restaurant and had a midnight snack and then to the beach, where Miss Chen posed for several topless photos.

Difficulties emerged when Miss Chen saw that the photographer had posted the nudie photos on his Facebook. She went to the police and reported the man for sexual assault.

However, after checking the two’s correspondence and CCTV footage of their visit to the restaurant, police have dismissed the sexual assault charges against the photographer.

Miss Chen is still unhappy about the nude photos but our advice to her would be to keep her shirt on.


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