Cornucopia - 1973 - Full Horn (full album)

  • 9 years ago
A fairly large outfit (seven musicians plus contributions from Producer Petersen - ex-IKARUS), their sole album presents a continuously changing jazz-fusion-rock somewhat similar to THIRSTY MOON. The first side presents a long 20-min+ suite that flows everywhere but the second side presents two shorter tracks and another 12 min epic.

- Wolfgang Kause (Gurker the goat) - lead vocals, voices
- Wolfgang Bartl (Elliott Kietz) - bass, backing vocals
- Christoph Hardwig (Christophorus II) - keyboards, guitar, backing vocals
- Wolfgang Gaudes (Plombe) - drums, percussion, 12-string guitar
- Kai Henrick Moller (A-Bomber) - lead guitar, acoustic guitar, backing vocals
- Harry Koch (Hurry Harry) - percussion, effects, voice
- Rudy Holzhauer (Rudiger) - percussion, troot
- Jochen Peterson - saxophones, flute, guitar