The Gayatri Mantra

  • 9 years ago
The Gayatri Mantra

Considered by many to be the most ancient and holy of the mantras is the Gayatri mantra. Legend has it that the mantra was rediscovered by a rishi called Vishwamitra, a king who went through many arduous struggles to attain spiritual insight. The mantra, it is said, not only protects the individual but will eventually transform the whole of humanity by bringing enlightenment to all. This mantra is believed to bring great benefit. Its powerful words are charged to keep you to the light and drive away all negativity.

I was moved by it when I first heard it in India, echoing through the temples of the ashram I was visiting. Seated on the dusty ground, I could have been living thousands of years ago when the first avatars walked the earth. One of my friends, traveling with us, was a scholar of Sanskrit and made certain that every word we chanted was exactly correct. The more perfect the pronunciation, we were told, the greater the benefit the mantra brings, for its sounds correspond directly with the higher vibrations of the spirit. I found it a little difficult, but even incorrect pronunciation brings some benefit. This mantra can be used anytime and, should you feel fearful for any reason, it will generate spiritual light and protection for the soul.
