Angelina Jolie Employs Cyber Security Staff To Keep Her Kids Safe Online
  • 9 years ago
According to People magazine, Angelina Jolie has hired a crew of cyber security experts to make sure her children stay protected while on the Internet.

Angelina Jolie admits that although she’s not incredibly tech savvy, she does understand the dangers the Internet can hold, particularly for young people.

Thus, according to People magazine, she’s hired a crew of cyber security experts to make sure her own children stay protected from all of the bad and creepy that lurks on the worldwide web.

Their job is to monitor the online activity and social media participation that her and Brad Pitt’s kids engage in.

The couple’s half-dozen young ones are between the tender ages of 6 and 13.

Jolie explained that she and Brad don’t do the checking themselves because they honestly don’t understand enough about how the Internet works to even be aware of what to be on the lookout for.

She does know enough about it, however, to be grateful that it wasn’t around when she was growing up.

Said Jolie, "I got in enough trouble. It just would have been very documented."

Even now, she shies away from sharing details about her life on Instagram, Facebook, and the like.

The Twitter account she does have is handled by other people, and neither accepts nor chooses followers.