Al-Shabaab’s murdering of non-Muslims stems from teaching of hatred

  • 9 yıl önce
-  Terror group Al-Shabaab militants ambushed a bus and killed 28 passengers. American broadcaster CNN announced that the militants demanded those onboard recite Qur'anic verses, and killed the ones who couldn’t, but they released the Muslims. The militants said that it was in retaliation for mosque raids this week and it described those killed as Christians and added that these attacks will be continued.

ADNAN OKTAR: Of course they do. Because they are ignorant. They should be educated according to the Quran. I am saying, ‘Of course they do’, but I don’t mean they are right: They are doing it because they are on the wrong path. They were always guided to violence by the TV’s or radios. They always watched movies containing violence. The communist organizations, particularly the PKK, showed that violence as the only solution. They were given a Darwinist and materialist education. Nobody talked about love, mercy or compassion; nobody talked about forgiveness. The idea of hatred was treated in every movie or on every website as the main subject. They view everything from a polytheist mindset. They view everything with the mindset of polytheism. They avoided the Qur'an- based understanding of Islam. As a reason of that, such a disaster occurred.  But Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will end the troubles and fix them all.