Part of protest barricades removed

  • 10 years ago
A section of a pro democracy barricade in central Hong Kong has been cleared after a court order was issued by the owners of the building it blocks.

Workers hired by the Citic Tower in Admiralty district began removing some of the metal barriers that had been blocking the road and pavement around the building.

Court bailiffs and police were on hand to monitor the removal.

Protesters who had been occupying the area for nearly two months complied with the court order and didn't attempt to disrupt the process.

But pro-democracy legislators say the city's use of a court injunction to get the protesters to move was a low blow.


"Firstly, I think, it's really a shame that the government had to hide behind a civil case and hide behind a court, to use the court to do the clearance, so that you can say if people block the clearance, it will be a contempt of court. I think they should not do that, actuall
