The Principal - Shock To The System

  • 9 years ago
Directed by the prolific and talented David N. Donihue (of Super Rad Films), the video truly delivers the song’s titular “shock” with a fearless and funny idea that’s definitively NSFW , but in a uniquely plastic way (don’t worry, we’ve also provided you with a censored version). Our tale begins with a disturbing close up of a blow-up sex doll on the receiving end of some balding loser’s pathetic thrusts. As he finishes up, the man rolls over on his back, and we see tears fall from the eyes of the helpless doll. Then things get even weirder. The conceit of the clip is that the larger community of blow-up sex dolls are staging a revolution, turning on their owners, and marching to freedom. So with the help of a special effects team, we watch as the dolls walk the streets of LA, drive cars, and cause a little mayhem. Newspaper headlines and cable networks report on the developing story. There are fight scenes, rocket launchers, and daring rescues. All the while, naked plastic tits and dicks wave in the wind. And while it is ridiculous and rather hysterical, director Donihue is also using this video to bring attention to a very real and very serious issue–the multi-billion dollar human trafficking industry. The message is two-fold: prostitutes who can leave their captors, should do so immediately, and their customers should realize that they are perpetuating a cycle of torture and abuse. Of course, if that’s a bit too heavy, the aforementioned tits and dicks are really good for a laugh.
