Deobandi & Shia Loving, Brotherly relationship and reconciliation

  • 10 years ago
.Deobandi scholar respected Hazrat Maolana Sammi Ul Haq Sahib visited as Deobandi peace envoy to Tehran to build loving brotherly peaceful relationship with Shias.
Honourable Maolana Sammi Ul Haq Sahib met the Shia spiritual leader Khameena and discussed the current severely tensed situation between Shia and Deobandis.
According to basic fundamental beliefs of the Shias the two pious and honoured wives of our holy prophet (SAWS) and the first three successors Abu Bakar, Umar and Usman were sinful and tyrant rulers whom according to Shia beliefs became apostates after the demise of our holy prophet (PBUH). Shias choose to use very harsh and abusive language against the mothers of believers (Aiysha and Hafsa) both wives of the holy prophet. Aiysha the daughter of Abu Bakar and Hafsa the daughter of Umar both were the pious wives of the holy prophet (Allah is pleased with them all and they are pleased with Allah).
According to the people of Ahluss sunnah wal jamaat eating drinking and associating with Shias is completely forbiden (haraam).
