ashfaq bakali - I hear Christmas is coming

  • 10 years ago
I hear Christmas is coming,
Santa songs people are humming.
Crazy days and cuddly nights,
Joy and love, fairy lights.
Hushed tones, mindless giggles resound, sweet memories, curious glances all around.
Yes, I hear Christmas is coming.
Can you hear the festive drumming?

Soon roast turkeys will sizzle in the oven,
puddings and dundee cakes eaten by the ton.
Munching on piles of dried fruits and cookies,
and women will be exchanging juicy recipes.
Christmas will forever remain a gem
as a special boy was born in Bethlehem.
Yup, I hear Christmas is coming,
dancing with guitars strumming.

Baubles and bright lights dangling from trees,
children coming out of grottos with freebies.
It's this festival that teaches giving.
Do some good deeds while you're living.
In Heaven Jesus is praying for our survival,
I'm sure He is hasty for His arrival.
Ho! Ho! Ho! I hear Christmas is coming.
It is time for redeeming.

Folks on the streets are dancing and singing,
Even the grumpy ones seem to be enjoying.
Christmas miracles touch all mankind.
Grouches become givers, selfish become kind.
No reasons for sadness, no excuses for failing,
the spirit of Christmas heals the ailing.
It's true Christmas is coming.
The joyous fever is just resuming.

In everyone is seen childhood innocence.
Intimacy and charity is common for once.
Chocolate coins and Advent calenders are in vogue,
Visits are frequent to a Church or Synagogue.
Everyone joins in to celebrate Christmas.
They have waited for this day with eagerness.
Chanting in the air, Christmas is coming.
Let's see what this Christmas will bring

ashfaq bakali
