Bird Lover In Bay Area Offers Hotel For Feathered Creatures

  • 10 years ago
Birgit Soyka is the owner of the San Francisco Bird Hotel. About 8 years ago, the motorcycle-riding woman launched the facility for the sole purpose of offering bird lovers a safe place for their pets to briefly call home.

Dog and cat owners have a decent selection when it comes to temporary lodging in kennels and even pet resorts. For bird owners, however, the options are far more limited, unless of course they live in the Bay Area.

Birgit Soyka is the owner of the San Francisco Bird Hotel. About 8 years ago, the motorcycle-riding woman launched the facility for the sole purpose of offering bird lovers a safe place for their pets to briefly call home.

In 2006 when the business was launched Soyka had just one bird to care for. The feathered client count has now reached upwards of 400, forcing her to move the hotel to an industrial park.

She’s no longer able to handle the job singlehandedly and has two staffers under her. In addition to that, she offers a so-called ‘parrot limo’ which picks up the birds from their true homes.

While they are beautiful creatures, Soyka admits the noise can get a little overwhelming at times.

She remarked “Well I walk into this place every morning. I’m thinking ‘Oh my God, what did I create’?”
