Quebec separatist party leader resigns after big defeat

  • 10 years ago
Canadians in Quebec say "non" to another referendum on independence from Canada.

Voters in this mainly French speaking province give a resounding victory to the anti-separatist Quebec Liberal Party in provincial elections.

The Quebec Liberals called this vote in a bid to turn their minority government into a majority.....and it paid off.

Amid incomplete results, the Liberals are leading in 71 out of 125 races.

The separatist Parti Quebecois went into the campaign with a lead.

But that soon changed when this election turned into a debate of whether to hold another vote on separating from Canada.

Sovereignty is the raison d'etre of the Parti Quebecois but most of these voters remember that two referendums on independence have failed...and they don't want to go through it a third time.

With the ballots cast Quebec Liberal leader Philippe Couillard will replace Parti Quebecois leader Pauline Marois as premier.

Monday's election means the end
