Xbox Live Cloud Tested for First Time ★ Titanfall Beta Feedback Changes Game

  • 10 years ago
Microsoft's Azure Xbox Live cloud is undergone its first 'real' stress test on a grand scale. Respawn reveals Titanfall Beta accomplishments and fixes coming to the game.
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Microsoft is hosting the game's servers for the launch on both Xbox and Windows PC versions. "The most important thing for us on launch day is making sure that Microsoft's Xbox Live cloud compute platform can scale up as high as we need it to," said Jon 'Slothy' Shiring, the engineer in charge of Titanfall's smooth launch. "We had the alpha, but that was fairly small. Alpha proved that the tech works. Beta, the thing we wanted to test was what happens when you scale it really high, see what breaks and then fix that so we don't have to find out on launch day.

"People are expecting the game to have problems, and I want to make sure that it doesn't. I want to do everything I can to make sure that it launches well. The Xbox Live cloud compute platform is all brand new. Forza used it a little bit, but they weren't as reliant on it as we are. The game is completely reliant on it. If it's down, nobody can play." Read More.

What did the Titanfall beta achieve?