Woman Gives Birth in a Park
  • 10 years ago
Janna Oehlschlaeger went into labor with her son right on the grounds surrounding Texas Woman’s University. Shortly after Oehlschlaeger and her husband checked into the Birth & Women’s Care facility, the couple decided to go for a walk and that's when she went into labor.

Babies don’t care where they make their first appearance into the world. Just ask Janna Oehlschlaeger, as she knows firsthand.

She went into labor with her son right on the grounds surrounding Texas Woman’s University. It all went down shortly after Oehlschlaeger and her husband checked into the Inanna Birth & Women’s Care facility. The couple then decided to go for a walk.

She was only 5 centimeters dilated at the time, so the pair thought they had plenty of time to kill. 20 minutes into their stroll, however, Oehlschlaeger’s contractions came on suddenly.

The couple made it to the far side of the park when the contractions became unbearable and Oehlschlaeger’s water broke. The concerned hubby attempted to carry her back to the birthing center.

Meanwhile, the pair’s friend, Elizabeth, hurriedly ran over to the building to alert staff of what was happening, but it was too late. Oehlschlaeger already knew it was time to push.

Workers made their way over and helped deliver the infant. The healthy Henry Tod was born in the middle of the park.

Oehlschlaeger said “It was really crazy, but in that crazy situation it was really calm. Everything went really, really smooth, and for it being a crazy situation it was kind of a textbook birth.”