Shimkent Hotel / Shimkent Hôtel (2003) - Trailer
  • il y a 10 ans
Directed by : Charles de Meaux
Produced by : Anna Sanders Films
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 30 min
French release: 23/04/2003
Production year: 2003

In a small room in a hotel in Central Asia, young Alex tries to get his memory back and to confront the chaos that troubles the country. A chief of the French Secret Service and a neurologist keep him company. Little by little, snatches of the past rise to the surface. It begins like one of those adventure films that we loved when we were kids: Alex, Romain and Caroline head for an unfamiliar country where they have the opportunity to buy a share in one the former Soviet Union’s biggest factories. They’re filled with the desire to succeed and the ambition to do business. But the adventure becomes a nightmare and the trio must flee across the mountains of Afghanistan. Then comes the traumatic shock that leaves Alex an amnesiac.

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