Violent protests in a mosque after police raid

  • 10 years ago
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STORY: Gunfire erupted in and around a mosque in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa on Sunday following a raid by armed police who had received a tip-off that Muslim youths were being radicalised and trained for militant attacks.

The raid sparked violent protests inside the Masjid Mussa mosque in the city's run-down Majengo neighbourhood and in the surrounding streets. Police fired teargas and live rounds over the heads of taunting crowds, who hurled stones back.

Breaking up Islamist militant networks among its Muslim minority has become a priority for Kenya as it tries to end attacks by Somali militants and their sympathisers bent on punishing it for sending troops to fight al Shabaab rebels.

The cost of failure was laid bare when al Shabaab gunmen attacked a Nairobi shopping mall in September, killing at least 67 people. Western investigators said local militant networks helped the attackers carry out
