Despite scandals, Christie says state of the state is good

  • 10 years ago

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says "mistakes were clearly made" referring to recent scandals surrounding his administration.

He opened his State of the State speech on Tuesday with an apology saying, "We let down the people we are entrusted to serve."

As governor, Christie said, "We will cooperate with all appropriate inquires to ensure that this breach of trust does not happen again."

Christie went on to say he is committed to doing better and despite the recent challenges, the state of New Jersey is good.

His administration has been at the center of several recent controversies.

E-mails released last week appeared to show members of Christie's staff planned the four-day lane closures in Fort Lee, New Jersey, in September to retaliate against the city's Democratic mayor because he had not endorsed Christie's re-election campaign.

Last week Christie fired an aide responsible for the closure, and at a news
