OW2con'13 Presentation Morgane Richomme

  • il y a 10 ans
Emerginov - come back on the 1st year of the community, Morgan Richomme, Orange.
Abtsract: The Emerginov project has been officially published under free license in OW2 end of November 2012. Since this date we worked on the construction of the community and kept on animating codecamps and hackathons in Europe and Africa. The concept that was initially designed for Africa has been adopted for co innovation tooling in Brittany through the project innov@lannion. The project has been also selected by the FING for the carrefour des possibles Bretagne and was one the key stone of the FP7 European project reviewed end of June 2013. The goal of the presentation is to summarize the different actions of the project since the last presentation and the ambition of the project.
