Shahrukh Khan's Love Bond With Wife Gauri On Twitter

  • 11 years ago
As we know, our Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is currently tied up with several happenings in and around the B-town be it with the shooting for his upcoming film Happy New Year or with the ongoing three city tour of Temptation reloaded. However, even after having faced a tight-packed schedule of city touring, our King Khan, fortunately didn't forget to wish his wife Gauri Khan on her 43rd birthday, yesterday! Reportedly, Shah Rukh, who is presently in Australia, instantly took up to the Twitter forum and posted an extremely loving birthday message for his dear wife. Going by his quoted statements, SRK surely posed to be one of those caring husbands, a loving father and a perfect family man! What say viewers? Meanwhile, now getting our birthday girl Gauri into the limelight, this celebrity wife is undoubtedly one of those successful women who not only grabs her husband's stardom but also rejoices an individual status as a co-founder of Red Chillies production house and a hobby-prone interior designer! Well with this, Belated Happy Birthday Gauri!
