Sisel Kaffe Business Presentation Part 5
  • 11 years ago
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Sisel Kaffe Business Presentation Part 5

This is a short video of the SISEL Kaffe business presentation.

This is Video 5 in a series of 5 short videos. The complete 11 minute video can be seen at the link above.

Judging by the 3rd party research that I did, SISEL Kaffe is by far the best of the healthy coffee companies.

Many companies jumped on the Gano coffee bandwagon, but none of them include the ingredients that Sisel Kaffe does. Other than Ganoderma, Sisel's healthy coffee includes bacopa, goto kola, and chaga.

Tom Mower has outdone himself this time and with my 20+ years in the MLM home based business opportunities arena may prediction is that this is "the big one".

Want more on SISEL Kaffe and the SISEL Kaffe business presentation?

Here is my YouTube playlist: