Forex trading London How to increase your Forex success rate

  • 11 years ago
Forex robots they SUCK!
You've probably bought one or two yourself or know someone who has tried one and wasted his or her forex account.

The developers of such scripts are
after the fast buck and they sell you outdated scripts
that Maybe- And I mean only MAYBE- used to be a solid product.

No update or news... You hear from them except its
just junk mail trying to part you from more of your
hard earned cash... And the cycle continues.

There is, light at the end of the tunnel...

The developers of fx robot have consistently updated their
robot and just made a brand new version called
"ichimoku" it's absolutely free for members!!

It's the pinnacle of all robots and even 2 of the
largest forex brokerages have helped develop it... Not counting
thousands of happy clients with endless feedback!

"rogue" programmers will never ever compete because experience
is what matters... Go to:
To see what the buzz is all about... , because You'll be glad you did and if you want to make profits in this competitive market you must have the BEST tools and the WISEST expertise and The most important thing:

A fx robot that IS and STAYS up to date...
24 hrs a day.

Happy money making!