Outdoor Street Sport Expands Its Territory Inside

  • 11 years ago
Parkour - a previously outdoor pastime where people use the urban landscape as inspiration to jump, run, flip or whatever else clearing obstacles requires - is making a move indoors.

Parkour - a previously outdoor pastime where people use the urban landscape as inspiration to jump, run, flip or whatever else clearing obstacles requires - is making a move indoors.

The activity started on the streets of France and has since spread worldwide. In 2007 a world federation was formed.

Lately numerous gyms and activity centers have been adding parkour courses to their facilities.

Some try to pay homage to its urban roots, making courses that resemble the mean streets, graffiti and all.

A visit to a typical parkour gym will reveal smiling, laughing people, both adults and children, rolling and tumbling over stuff.

Some might even be wearing special parkour outfits.

Sporting goods companies have also started to capitalize on its popularity, making and marketing parkour-specific shoes and gloves.

People who want in are encouraged to just start, as there’s no official path to doing so. Just keep your physical limitations in mind.

Indoors or out, it’s your choice. Of course, outdoor parkour fans get all that fresh air and urban energy. Indoor practitioners who go to swanky gyms and centers are more likely to gain the benefits of liability insurance.
