Men’s Biggest Vacation Worries
  • 11 years ago
Based on a survey conducted by a British cruise site, prior to traveling abroad men worry most about their appearance, specifically their beer bellies. They also spend energy fretting about vacation weight gain concerns.

Based on a survey conducted by the British cruise site, prior to traveling abroad men worry most about their appearance, specifically their beer bellies.

They also spend quite a bit of energy fretting about vacation weight gain concerns.

Not as much as missing sporting events, but it did make the top ten.

Other ranking anxieties include passport matters, work, money, and family relations.

The survey pool included 1200 men who had recently vacationed out-of-country and asked the simple question, ‘What things, concerning your holiday, did you worry about before last heading abroad, if any?

Not making the top 10 pre-vacation anxieties was worrying about experiencing anxiety while on vacation, yet it’s a real problem.

A report in the Annals of Tourism Research revealed that people use their wireless devices more when on vacations than they do otherwise.

Unplugging and making oneself free of obligations has benefits that extend beyond the duration of the trip. Post-vacation feelings of being rejuvenated and rested come from engaging in autonomous activities. It’s highly recommended that you spend your time doing whatever you feel like.