Hallmarked Quality of Class and Perfection

  • il y a 11 ans

4 BEDROOMS 2 BATHROOMS 2 Garages, Rim flow Pool, Lapa, View, All Brand New in Rangeview.

Be envied by all that visit. Meticulously kept, beautifully decorated, thoughtfully planned. This stunning property is on offer today for the first time and will take your breathe away as you meander through.

Every room spacious including the elegant kitchen that was extended to take in the spectacular view whilst you cook or enjoy your morning coffee. Stacking doors open out onto the deck, infinity pool and entertainment lapa. 2 full high class bathrooms.

Manicured landscaped gardens , both back and front. All secured by high walls and electric fencing.

Prepaid electricity and a Gas Hob are just a few of the extras that this property has to offer.