Yoko Moshimo

Ey mon! TogatosX in the house today and, well, hopefully for a while,ja?! Why Togatos? It's Latin for Togas!
Well, let's get to the currents, ya know, make things better.
Currently Reading: My story Little Lost Lamb... too many errors mon.
Currently Speaking: In a Jamaican accent. Cool ja?
Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei games
Currently Working on: A DDSMV (Digital Devil Saga Music Video) for Cielo. ^-^
Current Quote: OMFG-STRING!
Currently recording: Yet Another parody... Wait, I put it on me casset tape recorder? Oh mon!
Currently watching: Cut scenes of DDS1 & 2 and The NAS (Naruto Abridged Series)
I'm a little weird, I know. But oh well, all's you can do is live wit me, ja?