
SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE - and JOIN the Hairy Family :) 4 Vlogs a week (MON, TUES, WED & 1 at WEEKENDs) FUNNY VLOGS, FUNNY NEWS, FULL MOVIE REVIEWs, FRIENDLY ADVICE and generally try to make you SMILE!

MrHairyBrit in a nutshell - Funny, British, ranty, sarcastic, cheeky, hairy, Funny News, Weird News, vlogger doing vlogs and weekly movie reviews as father to the Hairy Movie Club #HairyMovieClub. From time to time this Hairy Brit shows sexy cosplay lady pictures, porn references, hardcore sarcasm, weird strange funny news, love for rock music and Download Festival. Including Sexy Pictures, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus Naked, Alyssa Milano "Sex Tape" and Justin Bieber Bullshit

I hate Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and One Direction. I love tits, porn, sexy ladies, Rammstein, Philip Defranco, SourceFed, Ray William Johnson, What The Buck and ShayCarl..

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